Sean McCool’s Second Half Club- $50-150/mo (Coming Soon)

Offered in a group-coaching format, this ongoing program is based on my "9 Sacred Invitations" curriculum.

You'll also get weekly LIVE calls with me and select experts and friends who can spur your growth.

Plus you'll get access to our ever growing library of self-study materials, courses, and tools.

There will even be a "business school" version where small business owners can learn marketing, copywriting, sales and more.

Finally you'll get first in line access for live events before they are promoted publicly.

Sean McCool’s 53-Minute Breakthrough - One session. $500

Identify and eliminate one emotional block that's holding you back in just one session. This is as close as it gets to a “magic bullet”.

This is also a sneak peek into one of the many life-changing tools we use in our other programs.

Guides and Mini-Courses - $5 and up.

No matter what area of life you need help improving, we’ve got a guide or course that can help you apply time-tested truths to your life.

1:1 Life Coaching - One Year, $50,000

Sometimes "just do it" isn't the right next step.

Sometimes there's a reason your body and mind won't move forward the way it used to.

Especially if you're over 40.

And gritting your teeth and pushing through it or numbing out just kicks the real work down the road.

So listen up...

If you've felt stuck for longer than 2 years (whatever stuck looks and feels like to you)...

If you've listened to all the podcasts and still can't tap into the mystical motivation you hear from the gurus...

If you feel like you are foolish broke and scared in a world of wise, wealthy and courageous winners...

Then I'm here to tell you there's something much deeper going on.

And until you dig that root out, the weeds of complacency and doubt and fear and procrastination and sabotage are going to grow over any crop you plant.

I know because I tried almost everything (positive and negative) to avoid puling the weeds up by their roots.

Fact is, weeding the garden of your life is dirty, messy, hot, sweaty work.

And the bigger the weeds, the more tools required.

It can even seem like you're going backwards for a while. And you might in some areas of your life. For a while.

But if you don't pull the weeds now, they will take over the entire garden of your life--if they haven't already.

So if you're tired of surface level self-help and motivation, and if you're willing to invest the time, money, and energy into real transformation, I'd like to partner with you as your coach.

This is a 1 on 1 coaching partnership.

It's not for everyone.

It will be amazing, scary, thrilling, boring, frustrating, painful, joyous, eye-opening, heart-wrenching and so much more.

We will laugh together, sob together, scream together, philosophize together, and most importantly transform TOGETHER.

I will be in your corner for every round of the fight.

However, I will not get in the ring with you... I'm in my own ring fighting my own fight. But I will be in your corner throughout.

If you don't tell me to fuck off at least once, I'd be surprised.

If you don't think I'm crazy, I'd be disappointed in myself.

And if I don't scare the shit out of you at least once, then I'm not doing my job.

This is not for faint of heart or the casual self-help junkie.

This is recovery from being a self-help junkie.

You won't find this in a book or at a seminar.

This is metamorphosis.

This is the deep work you've been secretly longing for.

To qualify you need to...

... be a man or woman over 40 who is a freelancer, solopreneur, owner, or high level executive (because you need to be able to control your time and income during this process).

... be willing to invest 5-10 hours per week on your self for an entire year.

... be willing to travel to me (Austin TX) at least 4X for 2-3 days each over the next year.

... be willing to invest $50,000 into this healing journey.

... be willing to try new tools, techniques and modalities even if they are a little "weird" or uncomfortable.

You must have tried other things and gotten little to no results.

You must be fed up with your life so far and committed to making the second half of your life the best half... whatever that looks like for you... even if it's not clear right now.

If that's you, then you'll need to read my about page.

If after that you're still interested in working with me, then hit the fancy "Apply Here" button below.


... Book a call.

... Show up for the call on time the first time.

... Be willing to be more vulnerable than you've ever been on a call.

... Be willing to move hell itself out of the way if you decide you want us to partner in your transformation.

Because on that call I will...

... dig and poke and prod to find your pain.

... yank out your bruised and battered heart and show it to your face.

... ask your shadow to come out and play.

If you try to hide on the call, the call will end. Period.

If you stay on the call then, you will decide to commit, or not.

You already get a sense of what's going to be required by reading this post. You'll feel it on the call.

If you commit to yourself and to me, I will do the same for you.

Now, because of the intensity of this work, and the time I need between clients to continue my own work, I only make this available to 5 people at any given time.

I promise the work we do together will change your life.

In fact, if at the end of the year you've done everything I ask and you do not believe your life is better and that you are on the way to making the rest of your life the best of your life, I'll refund your investment. All. of. it.

You in? If so...